
What’s Up Site Hub?

What’s new at Site Hub?

In this unprecedented time, we have all had to adapt our schedules and work environment. Some of these changes have been small, and some have been drastic. First and foremost, we sincerely hope that everyone is doing their best to stay healthy and well, and enjoying the time with their family. We also wanted to take this time to catch you up with what’s new in our world.


The More Things Change…

The one constant in the world of digital marketing is changing. While it seems like the world has been in semi-isolation and voluntary lockdown, the online world keeps humming along. While working from home, many people have undoubtedly encountered internet slowdowns and outages on sites both big and small. Much has been made about this state of affairs, with blame being assigned to many parties including providers of broadband internet services, government-run websites that were unprepared for the influx of traffic, and that old router that worked fine 4 years ago. To be fair, many of those targets deserve some blame. Before you invest in upgraded internet equipment only to find out that your equipment wasn’t at fault, be sure to spend a little time trying to diagnose the cause of the slow home internet service. The ongoing switch of local TV channels from analog to digital was supposed to open up a lot of bandwidth, but it appears that not all of that bandwidth has been utilized efficiently.

On the marketing side of things, the COVID crisis has caused many brands and companies to reevaluate their advertising focus and aim. Because of the almost overnight shift in search volume for specific informational search terms, many companies were caught flat-footed, having to pay for traffic that was informational (think of a search for Purell, or a store that has toilet paper in stock). 

Since the early shifts, many online strategies have emerged to highlight services and goods that are available for delivery. Unsurprisingly, the click-through rates (CTR) on PPC ads has increased as a result of the more targeted delivery and updated landing pages that speak to consumer demand. When a customer searches for something that they need or want, they are more likely to click on an ad, or the first search result when they know what they want. This is not a tire-kicking time for most consumers. If you are still running paid advertising online, it is a great time to have the campaign analyzed by a marketing firm. Whether you are running the campaign yourself, or a different company is managing the campaign, fresh eyes will often catch mistakes that could be costing you money or conversions. Most reputable companies will perform this audit for a nominal fee. There have also been wide fluctuations in the search volume of different industries as a result of the changing demands and desires of consumers.


Are you ghosting me, bro!?

Due to the state of emergency that is in effect here in New York, and out of an abundance of respect for your time during this crisis, we have stopped most calls to anyone that is not currently a client. If we were in regular contact, we certainly will be again soon. As always, our phones are on, so don’t hesitate to call if and when it is appropriate for you. With a little more free time, we are hosting a daily webinar/vlog/vodcast type thing. 

While the primary focus usually starts with the impact of COVID on the work environment, where it goes from there is anyone’s guess. The guest list varies widely, and the conversations range from informative to entertaining, sometimes simultaneously. Check the upcoming schedule and see if you know any of our previously featured guests. Do you know someone we should talk to? Is it you? Either way, let us know and we will reach out for scheduling!


Until next time

As we work through this crisis, we will try to keep you up to date in multiple ways, and we look forward to speaking with, and working with you in the near future. Be safe, be healthy, and make lemonade.
