The best consulting lead-gen period.


Exclusive Leads

Call / SMS / Email Script

Tracking Software

You Own the Data

No More Sharing Leads

Lower Cost-Per-Client

Lead Gen That Works

We model our kicks-ass program after marketing giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

We take massive amounts of data, and filter out the irrelevant factors and researchers. What is left of this data are prospects, in your service area, who are actively seeking a solution that you can provide. This data and methodology are not new, but no one else has applied it to the roofing industry.

Stay Up to Date

Our proprietary software imports 50 BILLION piece of data EVERY SINGLE DAY.

This raw data is then analyzed and cross-checked by machine learning software to determine user intent: Buying signals. When these interested prospects are identified, a targeted ad campaign will allow them to request a call from you, and they must opt in to submit this request. Our software can assist you running automated follow-ups to assure the prospect that you’ve received their request, and will follow up. We cut down on wasted ad spend and only target active buyers who are in your service area. These leads are yours, exclusively, and will never be shared with any other roofers.

How it Works

Behavioral Mapping

Using search and behavioral data, as well as insights gained from ongoing campaigns, we compile a composite profile of a searcher who is highly likely to make a purchase in the near future.

Consumer Data

We then use this ideal prospect blueprint, and apply it to your service area, revealing thousands of folks who are actively searching for a roofer. After performing all of these steps and verification items, we purchase their data. By identifying only those prospects who are actively looking to buy, we maximize your ad spend.

Targeted Ads

Once these future customers are identified, we target them with compelling, well written ad copy that promotes YOUR company. They think, "What great timing!" After they provide their contact info and request your follow up, you will be notified of their interest, and they will be assured that you have received their request and will contact them.

Results Guaranteed

Our promise is simple, if your program is not performing to the deliverables that we’ve agreed on, WE WILL PAY UNTIL IT DOES!

With campaigns running successfully nationwide, we have been able to establish benchmarks and expected performance data. This data allows us to set a baseline, minimum expectation in terms of leads, costs, and conversion rate. Armed with this knowledge and research, we have the UNIQUE ability to GUARANTEE the number of leads that you’ll get each month from us.

Only Pay for Quality Leads

We know that every business is different. Utilizing the same marketing strategies for all of them is not only marketing malpractice, it’s a waste of our time, and your money. Optimizing your website for search engines is necessary in order to maintain long term visibility, but will not make your phone ring this week, or even this month. We have listened to our clients and prospects, and they have told us: We want a marketing program that sends us qualified leads.

Growth for Any SIze Business

Whether you’re just starting out, or have a multi-market business generating $10M a year, we got enough leads to fill your calendar. At the end of the day, we are responsible to generate YOU leads, and we do it all from soup to nuts without you needing to get involved in the nutty gritty. You’ll be able to login to see your new leads and reach out directly to prospects. What do you got to lose?

Data Driven

We have the UNIQUE ability to GUARANTEE the number of leads you’ll get each month while on our program. We do all of the work to find prospects, identify their buying intent, collect their information, and inform them that you will be reaching out to them. All that we ask of you is that you turn them from new roof shoppers to new roof owners. We set ’em up, you knock ’em down. What do you have to lose?

With Us


Without Us

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(585) 300-4640

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